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Change the Face of Your Business

Become a Profit and Growth Expert

Accountants offer valuable services-services every business needs. In fact, businesses are required by law to keep books. So how could you possibly increase the value of your accounting services when they are already extremely valuable? By becoming a Profit and Growth Expert!

What is a Profit and Growth Expert?

A Profit and Growth Expert uses information from the accounting system to analyze a business’s fiscal standing, sharing that analysis with those who can use it to make more profitable financial decisions.

A Profit and Growth Expert is a proactive accountant who realizes that the information he/she generates provides crucial data that can make or break a business. It’s the accountant’s job to share this data with business owners, explaining it in such a way that they both understand what the information indicates and can use it to make important business decisions.

Profit and Growth Accounting

When you enroll in the Professional Bookkeeper Program you not only learn small business accounting, but you are trained to watch key indicators that will help you diagnose a business’s health and recommend a course of action that will improve its profitability. This will enhance your service offerings and enable you to market this competitive advantage. Here’s what one student had to say about her new skills:

I am about half way through the program and, in the next month or so, plan…to start visiting my local businesses. I have been focusing on the marketing side of things and it seems like every meeting I have with a potential client I am able to close. So far since purchasing the program I have about 6 more monthly clients. I am sure that 50% of those transactions were closed because [of] improvements in my sales techniques. I love the fact that I am not an Accountant or Enrolled agent, I am now a “Profit, Growth, and Tax Expert.” It does work…. -Lynette R., CA

Using the skills mastered in the Professional Bookkeeper Program, Lynette has been able enhance her tax practice before she even completes the entire course. You can do the same for your accounting practice, and within weeks will be able market yourself as the “Profit, Growth, and Accounting Expert.” Imagine how appealing that will be for prospective clients who are interested in increasing their profitability and ensuring the growth of their small business.

The Profit and Growth Expert Tutorial

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Profit and Growth Expert, order our informational DVD “Start Today.” When you do, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Make over $80,000 per year working from home!
  • Secure more clients than you can handle
  • Charge your clients so you can afford to take that next vacation, and they get such a great deal they will be telling all their friends about you!
  • Get started for next to nothing and make BIG BUCKS within weeks!

Change the course of your practice. Take action now to become a Profit and Growth Expert. For less than $10 you can order your own copy of “Start Today” or you can watch the video online today for free!


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