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Of Course My Business Is In The Black! Isn’t It?

My experience was pretty common. Having spent time at the helm of a small business, I know how touchy this question really is. Like many small business owners, I took my successes and failures very personally. And yes, I thought I had a real handle on what was going on financially within my business.

Allen Bostrom, President of Universal Accounting Center, was a friend of mine and we would talk about what I was doing in my business and where I thought my greatest profits and losses came from. As a small business financial expert, he always made himself available to offer insight and suggestions into things I might do to build my business.

Later, I’ll tell you how my lack of knowledge painfully taught me something that will make you very valuable to small business owners.

My Background Wasn’t In Accounting… and it Hurt My Business

Like most small business owners, my background didn’t include any accounting. I could read a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet. I could interpret the information and make financial decisions based upon its information, but I didn’t completely understand the accounting process and where those numbers came from or how they related to each other.

I Didn’t Know if the Information on My Balance Sheet Really Reflected What Was Going On in My Business - What’s Worse… I Didn’t Know that I Didn’t Know!

I fell into the trap most small business owners do… I believed the software company when they told me I didn’t need an understanding of small business accounting to use their software to do my books. That was a mistake. Without an understanding of the accounting process, I couldn’t know whether or not the information I was getting was the right information. You know you have the right information when it helps you confidently make better business decisions.

The software programs most small business owners use are only as good as the data entry. Let me show you how your expertise as a small business bookkeeper will make you an important and valuable part of making any small business profitable.

A Software Program is No Substitute for a Qualified Bookkeeper

Allen probably offered a dozen times to look at my books and offer his help. Of course, I felt like I had it handled and declined his offers.

A qualified small business accountant has an understanding of the bookkeeping process allowing him or her to offer insights into the information the accounting software reports to the business owner.

Learning the software is only the first part of becoming a small business accounting expert. At the end of this article, I’ll explain how you can learn these valuable skills and become worth your weight in gold to any small business owner.

OK… Who Are These Small Business Accounting Experts? How Do I Become One?

Many of these real experts worked in small businesses for years. They accumulated knowledge of small business accounting issues through years of successes and mistakes, by trial and error. Many of them work for small businesses who celebrate every day the contribution they make to their businesses.

These business owners understand that their bookkeeper is worth more than what he/she is paid because of the benefit he/she brings to the business. These “profit experts” forge an important link in the chain of business profitability.

To learn how a small business bookkeeper is really a small business profit expert click HERE

I’m Not a Bookkeeper. How Does this Help Me?

You may not be a bookkeeper yet, but with the help of Universal Accounting’s Professional Bookkeeper Program, you’re not far away. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll learn the ins-and-outs of small business bookkeeping. And you won’t have to learn by trial and error either, because you’ll learn best practices developed over many years of real-world accounting and bookkeeping experience.

At Universal Accounting, we’ve taught small business bookkeeping and accounting for over 25 years. You’ll find that experience will greatly reduce your learning curve. You’ll be a small business profit expert in no time.

To learn more about options for bookkeeping and accounting training click HERE

Universal Accounting Trains 100’s of “Profit Experts” Every Year

Universal has trained people for this important and satisfying profession since 1979. We have small business bookkeeping down to a science. Many experts consider us the “Small Business Accounting Experts.”

Hands-On Learning is Hands-Down the Best

At Universal Accounting, years of experience proved to us that hands-on learning is the most effective way to learn the exciting and rewarding skill of small business bookkeeping. You’ll learn accounting by doing the books for a variety of small businesses. Examples include a frame shop, a construction company, a bakery and a motorcycle shop, to mention just a few.

You won’t just read about accounting, you’ll be doing it. You’ll have the confidence you need to start your bookkeeping and accounting business from the very beginning.

To Learn How to Pick the Best Bookkeeping and Accounting Training click HERE

Sir Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.”

It has never been more true than in small business bookkeeping and accounting. Become a small business profit expert. You’ll be worth your weight in gold.

A Great Deal On the Most Complete Small-Business Accounting Training Available Anywhere!

Having a solid understanding of the Accounting and Bookkeeping methods and procedures is a great first step in learning the concepts behind Financial Business Analysis. You will learn to do books for small to mid-sized companies and how to analyze the books to prepare reports. You will learn to interpret reports so that you can advise your clients how to reduce costs and to better understand their financial standing and profitability. Your clients will look to you as an invaluable source of information about the financial health of their organization.



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