The Current Ratio The current ratio is also known as the working capital ratio and is normally presented as a real ratio. That is, the working capital ratio looks like this: Current Assets: Current Liabilities = x: y eg 1.75: 1 The Carphone Warehouse is our business of choice, so here is the information to help us work out its current ratio. Consolidated Balance Sheet 31 March 2001 25 March 2000 £'000 £'000 Total Current Assets 315,528 171,160 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 222,348 173,820 As we saw in the brief review of accounts section with Tesco's financial statements, the phrase current liabilities is the same as Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year . Here's the table to fill in. OK, so we've done this one for you! Current Ratio For the Carphone Warehouse 31 March 2001 Current Assets: Current Liabilities 315,528: 222,348 1.42: 1 25 March 2000 Current Assets: Current Liabilities 171,160: 173,820 0.98: 1 Math...
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